A Global Election Year

McGrath Politics

2024: Election Year UK, Rep. of Ireland, EU & USA

In 2024 several important elections are scheduled, for the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the European Union, and the United States of America. These elections may hold great significance as they have the potential to shape the political landscape and determine the future course of these nations, their relations with each other the global environment and international security as an expectation of rising conflict between global communities.

In the United Kingdom, the election will decide the country's political identity, leadership and destiny, as the expectation is for a change in government, which will need to steer the four countries of England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland through crucial times of inevitable change, international tensions and challenges, as well as multiple complex challenges at home. The General Election will focus on the battle between the Conservative Party and Labour Party: will it be the predicted annihilation for Rishi Sunak’s party with Keir Starmer turning England, Wales & Scotland red? Will the Scottish National Party fare better than the Conservatives?

The Republic of Ireland will elect its representatives. Sinn Féin is polled to be offered a mandate to lead the Island of Ireland on both sides of the border for the first time. Sinn Féin is ‘dedicated to Irish unity and the building of a new republic based on the principles of freedom, justice and equality.’

The European Union will hold elections predicted to influence the entire political landscape of the EU and its future direction as there is an expectation that many EU countries will swing to the political Right: ‘populist radical right parties gaining votes and seats across the EU, and centre-left and green parties losing votes and seats. Anti-European populists are likely to top the polls.’

Lastly, the United States of America will witness another presidential election between the two old rivals Biden and Trump, with polls saying the results are too close to call. These elections could mark a crucial turning point in the political history of these nations, with far-reaching consequences for their citizens and the global community, especially regarding nations such as Russia, Ukraine, and Israel/Gaza.

In the UK General Election, Torridge & Tavistock: Say 'NO!' to Sir Geoffrey Cox!

Shock Poll: Cox to lose Torridge!

Labour, 50%

Geoffrey Cox, 41%

Reform UK, 6%

Lib Dems, 3%

This poll predicts a comfortable win for Labour's Isabel Saxby in the Torridge and Tavistock constituency. This is not necessarily an anti-Tory/pro-Labour vote-but an anti-Geoffrey vote!
General Election Campaign 2024

Is Keir Starmer proving to be dictatorial?

Unfortunately, my Conservative MP, Sir Geoffrey Cox, is famed for being more interested in his so-called 2nd job than he is in fulfilling his privileged position as MP for Torridge & Tavistock, supporting his constituents and those who voted for him. It's understood that he does not attend the House of Commons very often, so he casts votes on behalf of his constituents rarely - certainly in person. He is reported as not speaking at all in the Commons during Covid.

I cannot vote for him.

That said, the wheels on Labour's election campaign bandwagon appear to be coming loose with revelation after revelation hitting the headlines: a councillor pretending to be a 'lifelong Tory' to be discovered as a Labour Councillor, who voted for Corbyn! Then there's Starmer's claim Diane Abbott is still going through a disciplinary process, which we then discover ended in February - with a diversity course and the (described as Hard-Left) Brighton MP's suspension & sudden ineligibility to stand as a Labour MP in the election... Today, it's claimed Starmer's ambition is to 'purge' Labour of its harder-left candidates! Starmer appears to some to have autocratic tendencies & someone unable to listen to an alternative point of view.

The world is looking pretty scary under Starmer...


Alison Hernandez!

Alison Hernandez bucks the national trend: she is returned as Devon & Cornwall Police & Crime Commissioner for a 3rd term.

Why? Ms Hernandez has proved herself to be effective & professional, able to understand the landscape & needs across her area.

Excellent result! – 1st Class! Congrats, Alison.